Below: As the fire grows in intensity, and bulk is reduced, the fuel is consolidated, and oxygen is choked off by the application of goat yard waste- composting straw, droppings and soil.

Stockpiling brush denuded by goats

Beginning the burn

When the fire is completely covered, the surface is tamped to eliminate exhaust, mostly pungent steam at this point, & reductive combustion continues until cool.

A day later a burning chunk collapses  the surface covering and exposes the hot interior. These piles can stay hot for days. The goats keep their distance, but have little fear of the fire. After a light rain the fire is presumably out, and the product is examined.

Dependence on bagged soil and nutrients is not a sustainable path.

Building soil is the primary task required for sustainable organic production.

© 2013 Joshua Golden/Partners in time


The charcoal fragments are mixed with bits of baked soil, & the covering material, screened for uniformity, this replaces the importation of of vermiculite or perlite which I used previously to increase soil permeability to oxygen and water. Added to moist bio-active compost the blend forms the soil used for starting seedlings, for potted plants, and as a top dressing for garden beds. The Collection of barnyard soils is on going, as piles are formed in routine manure cleaning chores. Effluent run-off is directed towards, and intercepted by the charcoal pile, when it rains, Absorbing a naturally brewed compost tea.