Life as Art
At this point, one may well ask:
‘But, what about the goats?’
It becomes obvious to me that this could take a while. I want to avoid both the blithe, shallow skimming tone of popular profile writing and the tedious, blow by blow, model of Web logging,(I also refuse to use the common vernacular contraction) that has caused anybody with buttons and fingers to consider themselves writers, or worse, designers! It seems clear to me, because of the pressures on my time, that this will be an episodic event. The story slowly emerging, the significance gradually growing, as I portray what I know best: living a life of truth and consequence. Welcome to it.
Bringing it all together.
Confessions of a neo-Luddite.
This project is a new direction for me. In the past I have been driven to create and “publish” small works of thought and image, but I have assiduously avoided acquiring digital technology. for a number of years I had regular essays published in a small newsprint periodical, ‘Greenfuse’, that continues to be produced using actual cut and paste technology- scissors and glue. It is increasingly difficult to explain my reluctance to embrace this ubiquitous medium, I think, that, in it self, is a partial explanation. Being a fringe observer of the digital revolution, distinctly not an “early adopter”, offers a perspective on this cultural phenomena that may be lost by those enthralled, and enmeshed with, and within it. I will, no doubt, offer more on this subject in the future, but for now, my current task is to redefine the paradigm of “web-site”. I have a web-site, only because a generous friend is offering it as an option to me- just weeks after acquiring my first, second hand, (I’m told nearly archaic) computer. I have begun teaching myself how to operate it as a tool that serves my need to create, and my desire to share my observations, and experiences with others. I plan to maintain an honest perspective, free of hype, & hope that I can build an offering of interest in a way that maintains my outlier status, yet offers material of interest to those seeking inspiration and information from a world of nature, culture, & wonder, from the ragged edge of civilization.