The herd is a tribal society, and, the only effective way to interact with, and keep control of the herd is to gain respect as a member of that tribe. To be present and attentive requires more time and patience than modern civilization allows. This is why they are often deemed unmanageable and undesirable by modern, “civilized” cultures, though goats are essential components in the lives of rural and indigenous peoples all over the world. Goats help pioneer the wilderness, and are the last ones standing in wastelands, inevitably blamed for the destruction, scorned for their ability to survive. Goats adapt to conditions as few can, thriving on plants unpalatable to most, in extreme environments.

Goats are independent, rugged animals with tenacious and capricious personalities. Often denigrated as inferior livestock when compared to more productive Cows, or more easily managed Sheep. Though often  blamed for deforestation and desertification, The Goats value was exploited by ancient people to produce protein; milk and meat, from unpalatable lands overgrazed for thousands of years by equine and bovine species.

These larger and more selective species consumed the softer grasses and herbs, and compacted the soils on lands often deforested by the harvest of timber and fuel. The ability of Goats to to survive and thrive on forage unpalatable to other livestock, and their profound fecundity, made them,  the most valuable human companions, and besides Dogs, the earliest domesticated animal.

Goats enabled colonization of the wilderness, and are the last to abandon the deserts that we create, friend to first pioneers and last survivors alike. Surefooted and lightweight, goats can traverse any terrain with little impact, and can even be trained as pack animals.  Properly managed, Goats are no more destructive than any other animal. That management is not difficult. A commitment, and attention to detail is crucial. The practice of Goat herding may be a rare art in this country, but the world over is an essential occupation, often filled by children. Bonding with animals, integrating the universal need of socialization, with a valuable awareness of nature, makes for a cohesive culture, and an opportunity for sustainable livelihood.